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Business Style
Natella Osmanli

I need to choose an attire for an interview in an IT company. I know that a business suit would look more appropriate but I wonder whether there are any other dressing options for a modern businesswoman. I want to look professional while retaining my feeling of comfort.

I think a sober business wear is suitable for any interview, irrespective of the company’s line of business. It does not, however, mean that it shall be a formal suit and shirt. Beyond doubt, a dress would make a more positive impression than a pair of cozy jeans at the first meeting. And it is unlikely that an IT company has a strict dress code. Also, experimenting with colors and style is not recommended - the simpler, the better. Or, to be more precise, no multi-layering, no flamboyant designer jewelry and nothing in the form of new bold trends like harem pants (trousers with a low bunt).

For a better illustration, let’s consult the style icons - Audrey Hepburn or Jackie Kennedy. Not that I suggest you to imitate someone’s style; on the contrary, I stand for individuality and independence in every sphere including our own unique style. Though you would agree that when you need to decide and act quickly, it is reasonable to follow someone’s footsteps. The same is true about elegance, too. I do not doubt that regardless of Jacqueline-Bouvier-Kennedy-Onassis, you are well aware of how to dress. Nonetheless, examples and photographs make it easier to describe. At the same time, your own creative approach to personalize the image I am going to propose is very much welcome – be simply venturous!

I work in an office where I constantly interact with clients.  My appearance plays a significant role whenever I am to establish or liaise business relations. Quite often, though, I am concerned that my looks attract more attention than my commercial presentations. Is it bad to look good at workplace?

Of course, it is not a sin to dress well. And it is only fitting that you should put on nice clothes at work. But a dress code deserves a different treatment. Perhaps the length of your skirt is too provocative? Or you show up in the same clothes at the office as you would do at a party, i.e., a sequined top or extravagant tights? In this case, you will certainly jeopardize client’s ability to concentrate on a contract you want to conclude. Let's try a simple and win-win combination tomorrow - a white shirt and narrow black pants? Or, subject to dress code, classical skinny jeans with high heel boots.

On many occasions I couldn’t help but think that female professional’s image, whether we like it or not, depends on male’s perception. Ultimately, the necessity to disguise the length of your legs and to button up the shirt is a sort of discrimination. You cannot reveal your natural sex appeal because some male may interpret it as a sign of flirtation. On the other hand, the more dull and unattractive impression you convey, the less is interest in you as a professional. Here you are on the edge of finding a balance between the modern notion of "harassment" and half-camouflaged flirtation. However, let’s not give in to a militant feminism.

I can’t speak on behalf of others but I am quite pleased when my colleagues are courteous, when men hold the door for me, give up their place in a queue or help me with my coat. By and large, there is no point in guessing which subcortical latent processes of male brain have generated such behavior (maybe you are wrong, and he acts so due to his fine upbringing). Nonetheless, etiquette and fashion prescribe certain rules which I would not break. In brief, simpler clothes, fewer flashy peculiarities and less naked body on display guarantee a productivity of work. In this respect, you can manage to find your own "golden middle” and at the same time not become like the heroine from "The Office Romance".

My company is throwing a cocktail party for its partners. I am expected to be present as the boss’ personal assistant. What should I wear?  His wife will be there as well, so I would not like to outshine her.

If you slip into a cocktail dress outlining merits of your body shape, choose discreet jewelry, apply some make-up and style your hair, it is inevitable that you will be head and shoulders above your boss' wife but in the least with the extravagance or the price of your outfit. Then, what is so bad about showing off your garment? At an informal function, you have the freedom to do so. Still, it would appear absurd if the cost of your dress considerably exceeded your monthly salary. Dressing within your budget will diminish neither style nor beauty of your attire.

In other words, I encourage ladies to benefit from the so-called "theory of affordable glamour” according to which it is possible to create a stunning and chic image while keeping up with the latest fashion trends and without spending a huge sum. It is no secret that developers of the well-known middle-class brands copy their designs from the famous haute couture. They sketch designs in their note pads at catwalk shows, simplify and subsequently mass-produce them. If you are acquainted with trends, you can easily find your favorite outfit. You will come across a number of awesome and inexpensive items if you take along a glossy picture from a magazine on your next shopping.

Most of my female colleagues walk on high heels whereas my feet get very tired and by the end of the day I can barely stand.  I want to buy a pair of comfortable shoes suitable for the office.  What’s the best option nowadays?

I am tempted to recommend a test. Do you really believe your colleagues find high heels convenient? I assure you that even those who stubbornly insist that they do are either cunning or have simply convinced themselves that they don’t experience any difficulties. Yet, being mindful of your wishes I would suggest to go for a pair of ballet style pumps. A few pairs in different colors accessorized with belts, bracelets and even neckerchiefs are just right. Since modern fashion designers have expressed the view that matching the color of shoes with that of a bag is practically improper, I would experiment with nothing but accessories. Admittedly though, no fashion guru would criticize an adequate combination of ballet pumps with i.e. a clutch or a soft spacious portfolio.

It is said, "the lower the heel of a woman’s shoe is, the smarter she is." This statement doesn’t impress me much. Perhaps the height of heel may be associated with the level of intellect, erudition and comprehensive knowledge of a particular woman but not with the intelligence of the majority in the slightest. Furthermore, a popular view that a woman dresses up for ...  Yet, it may occasionally be true that it’s done for someone but not exclusively only for men (these words would make the latter roll their eyes, and they would refuse to admit it. Well, it is their right).

I judge by myself – I choose my outfit more carefully for an appointment with a woman rather with a man. When meeting with a female friend or colleague, I can avail myself of the opportunity to try original accessories or a new color combination. Whereas for a date, as a rule, I tend to dress as neatly as possible without "trying to role play" or using avant-garde details. Men usually shun "weird items" on the neck and unconventional synthesis of different styles, a kind of balancing act on the verge of eclectic. What would be more appealing to men? Quite right - long hair, high heels, skirts and elegant handbags. Statistically taken, they dislike short haircuts, trainers, pants and spacious backpacks. Does it mean that it is necessary to ride on high heels in order to deserve attention? Not at all. Likewise, it is also needless to instantly throw your high heels away so no one would suspect you of craving attention! Our common goal is to break such stereotypes: if you are beautiful, then you are silly; on the contrary, if you are clever, then you are ugly. Well, yes, I know about your inner beauty ... Still, you won’t lose anything if you decorate your rich inner world with a couple of cute blouses.

Категория: Репортаж | Просмотров: 150 | Добавил: Natali | Теги: business style | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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