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Accessories (part I)
08 November 2010 05:53 Natella Osmanli
Recently I heard that the only acceptable accessory today is a watch. Is that true or are we still allowed to experiment? For me personally a delicious dish is not possible without the right seasoning just as a stylish outfit is not possible without a smart combination of accessories.  In both cases the most important thing is not to overdo it. Accessories are bags, jewelry, belts, scarves, umbrellas, sunglasses. A lot of small details that together form a style. Accessories can be bold or reserved and they can complement or go solo. Sometimes one bright bracelet, belt or necklace is enough to transform a casual dress into an original cocktail outfit. A simple hair pin that has an interesting shape or texture can easily become the final touch in forming your image.

Here is an example. Let’s play with the basics – a little black dress and classic jeans. Everyone knows that you can wear your little black dress to the office (in combination with a sober jacket) or to a party. What’s required for this transformation? Let’s image – a little black dress (LBD) with a neck scarf and a jacket of moderate hue to go with classic flats and a spacious hobo-bag.  In the bag we have clutch, sandals, earrings and several bracelets. So here is a sample combination: LBD, bright-yellow clutch, green sandals and three bracelets – black, yellow and green – and orange earrings. Leave your bag, jacket and shoes in the car (or office) and head straight for the club.

We can conduct a similar experiment with jeans and a t-shirt. Put on a jacket over your t-shirt and add your favorite accessory – a massive watch with a bright strap. I’d take it even further and wear several pairs of watches at the same time. This can be combined with bright sandals and a clutch (again hidden in your hobo).

One of my favorite accessories is the scarf. A very narrow striped scarf from cotton threads, wrapped around several times can be a perfect match for a simple white t-shirt, shorts and boots. Another option is a thin silk scarf casually tied under an elegant blazer or a stole wrapped around your shoulders when you are wearing a summer dress on a cool evening.

Beads have a special place in my look. Even the bleakest of outfits can come alive with the right choice of necklace of the appropriate length and texture. A few beads on a chain go well with light dresses. Thicker textile or wool dresses go well exclusively with large well-formed beads. Ladies with larger cup sizes are better off with short necklaces, whereas longer ones will go with those who are very slender. If you are wearing beads, the best thing is to stay away from massive hair pins or earrings not to overload the top. If you really want something extra a good solution is to pick a few bracelets and rings to fit your style.

The last accessory I will write about today is the ring. Of course here we are not talking about precious jewelry, which of course will go with any business or evening attire. Let’s focus on the trends with the cheaper version. Massive rings are typically worn on the "wrong” finger, not the annular as you would with a precious ring, but on the index or little finger or thumb or on all of them at once. The middle finger is the least popular for wearing rings. Although personally I often wear gold rings there for the simple reason that they are two big for the ring finger.

This season massive plastic brightly-colored rings of interesting geometric shapes are very popular. Another favorite are rings that imitate Oriental ethnic jewelry with their shape and design. This doesn’t necessarily means that a ring like this must necessarily be combined with another similar-looking piece of jewelry but something in your outfit can resonate with it.

If you are looking for jewelry, I would pay attention to earrings and/or ethnic belts with forged elements. In terms of clothes to go with these accessories, I would choose a flowing tunic or Turkish trousers (but not the low crotch type because those are moving into the background this season).

Accessories are an endless topic. Just image, they can make two girls in identical dresses look different, revealing their individuality. This is not the end of my article because I will write more on this next time.

To be continued…

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